Pistolet gazowy marki Bell .Kopia HFC. This airsoft gun may appear and feel solid, but it will most likely be outperformed by other high quality airsoft guns. Please keep in mind that this is a low powered spring operated airsoft gun. Other applications could include film/theater props, display pieces, or simply shooting targets in the back yard.
Airsoft Global! Relevance. Quantity : Add to Cart. No person may openly display or expose any imitation firearm (replica firearm), in a public place. This model replicates the M9 service pistol used by the US military for over two decades! Additionally, the body is also complimented with a full metal slide for durability.

... KJW M9 full metal CO2 blowback review and shooting - Duration: 5:06. No refunds or exchanges. Bell New Bretta M9 Co2 Magazine [Bell826J] Bell New Bretta M9 Co2 Magazine [Bell826J] Price : $25.00 $8.99. HTC BoomSound with Dolby Audio Hear what you've been missing. On the bottom of the frame, there is an integrated rail system that can attach your ideal flashlight or laser.

Manufacturer: Double Bell Model: M9 Metal Body Airsoft Spring Pistol Muzzle Velocity: 220-230 FPS Magazine Capacity: 13 rds Length: 8.5" Height: 5.25" Sight Radius: 6" Color: Black Package Includes: Gun, Magazine. Bell New Bretta M9 Co2 Magazine [Bell826J] Bell New Bretta M9 Co2 Magazine [Bell826J] Price : $25.00 $8.99. HFCs M9 is designed to handle co2 and 2 mags are made for it: Green Gas and co2. The term "public place" means an area open to the public or exposed to public view and includes streets, sidewalks, bridges, alleys, plazas, parks, driveways, parking lots, automobiles, whether moving or not, and buildings open to the general public, including those that serve food or drink, or provide entertainment, and the doorways and entrances to buildings or dwellings and the grounds enclosing them.Any person who changes, alters, removes, or obliterates any coloration or markings that are required for by any applicable state or federal law or regulation, for any imitation firearm (replica firearm), or device in any way that makes the imitation firearm (replica firearm) or device look more like a firearm is guilty of violating the state or federal law.Spring Pistols are great for the player on a budget or the plinker looking for a cheap fun option to enjoy airsoft. thanks. Keep some as backup or use it as spare parts. 1 decade ago. Lv 7. however Bell M9 stock magazines are Green Gas and was wondering if Bell's M9 can handle the extra power, or if its only designed for Green Gas. The realistic blowback operation is definitely one of the enjoyable features that this airsoft gun encompasses. Keep some as backup or use it as spare parts. Favorite Answer . It's made of pot metal, so I wouldn't reommend trying it. No person may openly display or expose any imitation firearm (replica firearm), in a public place. This airsoft gun was designed with a beginner in mind, and it performs well for that purpose. Formerly known as Bell, Double Bell is internationally known for their line of airsoft 1911s, M9s and other special series gas and CO2 blowback pistols in a variety of different styles. Answer Save. Dmitri. Description; Reviews; CLEARANCE! Airsoft Guns » Shop by Popular Airsoft Guns Style » M9 Airsoft Pistols. Please Note this model uses KSC Style Magazine with this model.

Discover audio bliss on HTC One M9 through its built-in speakers, headphones, or wireless speakers. OUT OF STOCK. Tokyo Marui Style Magazines are not compatible. The high density polymer frame is rigid and able to withstand the gas operation. No refunds or exchanges. Double Bell M92 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol (Black) [N01D00][37610 / DB-736] $57.00 $51.30 ( 1 Reviews ) Add to Wishlist.
Free Shipping for orders over $89 No Coupon needed. We're clearing these out. Lastly, Double bell has included a hard shell case to help protect the airsoft pistol when you transport this kit. Recently, they just released their take of the VSR-10 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle that is impressively accurate on the field and shoots up to 460 FPS (w/ 0.20g BBs). Pistolet gazowy marki Bell .Kopia HFC.


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