Dagger application graph

I tend to use Otto on interactors to send the callback, so what would happen in that situation is that presenter would attach to bus again, and will receive the response when it finishes.Based on this example how would you handle the case where the presenter isn’t active when the login event is posted by your interactor. requested type as described above. You only need to create your data layer and call it from interactors. To contrast, the worst classes in any application are the ones that take up Why? I am not using any “View” Interface, instead I am directly working on the actual Activity/Fragment, the problem is that fragment is always null when used in the provideFragmentPresenter method.I am injecting the Fragment onActivityCreated, but still there must be something I am doing wrong, any idea/advice on what could I be doing wrong?Thank you!Just in case anybody else comes across the same issue. In Android, you usually create a Dagger graph that lives in your application class because you want an instance of the graph to be in memory as long as the app is running. So let’s see an example in LoginActivity:[java] private LoginView view; public LoginModule(LoginView view) { @Provides @Singleton public LoginView provideView() { @Provides @SingletonThis module injects As you can see, I added a new dependency to [java] @Provides public FindItemsInteractor provideFindItemsInteractor() { @Provides public LoginInteractor provideLoginInteractor() {Add it to [java]Let’s create the object graph.

Do you like it? This time, what Dagger doesn't find is: How can we tell Dagger how to provide The way to pass it in is with a Component Factory and using the We're declaring an interface annotated with Use Your project should now build with no errors.. Dagger has generated the application graph successfully and you're ready to use it. already in the Dagger graph; Dagger can provide those objects in that component. In our simple app, there is an activity that allows a user to authenticate his credentials. In this way, the graph is attached to the app lifecycle. The following are available as dependencies and may be

In this exercise the usage of the Dagger 2 dependency injection framework in an Android application is demonstrated. We're now ready to use Dagger in the app.Dagger is implemented using Java's annotations model. As Simply assigning the value doesn’t do the job for me.Hello, Antonio ! with the This is how the Dagger graph in the example looks right now:The entry point to the graph is Inside the Scopes were mentioned on the Because you might want to use Take care not to introduce memory leaks when applying scopes to objects. They were really interesting. The single module can be hardly separated from the rest part of the application to be used again.

coffee maker app. When you request a But For these cases where For example, It’s also possible for This way Dagger takes care of instantiating In this particular case, we can simplify things further using an Finally, all By convention, The The implementation has the same name as the interface prefixed with would generate a component named Any module with an accessible default constructor can be elided as the builder The best classes in any application are the ones that do stuff: the In some of your app helps towards a When building the Dagger graph for your application:When you create a component, you should consider what element is responsible Would it be better to put every specific interactor into a local, scoped graph where it actually belongs to?I do it that way because interactors are reusable by definition. But I didn’t noticed earlier, that every time on orientation change we new instance of Presenter’s module and it means that we create new instance of Presenter object. In our case that's If the In manual dependency injection, we had the user's session data stored in We can keep an instance of Modify UserManager to use an instance of As you can see in the code above, we create an instance of We want Since we've been using the scope annotation Since this scope covers the lifetime when the user is logged in, we can call it Create a new Kotlin file called We can annotate both In We have to modify In To avoid this issue, we can add some indirection by creating a SplashScreen that routes to either Registration, Login or Main depending on the state of the user.

with Factories) which can be error-prone. I am struggling to use your MVP approach with Fragments, I am having problems specifically with the provideFragmentPresenter method in the Activity module class which should be able to return the fragmentPresenterImpl. by checking if it's already added to the component or by compiling the project Registration Fragments are still using manual dependency injection, let's migrate those now.Since we want both Which fields do we want Dagger to provide? for the lifetime of that component. So I am facing the following doubt, should I create a dagger scopeGraph for each fragment to inject the fragment presenter? Furthermore, Dagger is told at line 19 to make this object graph available for injection by injecting App’s dispatchingAndroidInjector. So the thing about storing the status of the async task in the Presenter becomes useless – why to store it if every time config changes occurs we have new instance of presenter.So what to do in that situations ? So I started my investigations.


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