Extra Utilities wiki

Paint Brush: Used to paint Colored Bricks and Colored Oak Wood Planks.

Golden Lasso: Captures passive mobs for convenient relocation. Cobblestone can be compressed 8 times into Octuple Compressed Cobblestone, which is resistant to the Wither's explosive attacks. Recent Files View All.

105 Pages.

Features Edit Item Edit. It provides low-lag alternatives to the The mod adds a new dimension: Extra Utilities was discontinued and succeeded by Solar Panels in Extra Utilities 2 not producing Grid Power?© 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. We want to learn more about how you game!

Builder's Wand: When you right-click on a block it checks your inventory to see if there are blocks of the same kind adjacent to it. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Auch gibt es mittlerweile über 20 öffentliche Modpacks im Launcher. Es un mod que añade contenido diverso al juego, intentando cubrir o mejorar ciertas áreas del mismo. Type Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads Actions The Extra Utilities mod adds several random purposes utility blocks and items to the game.. The bulk of the base code is in the 1.10.2 folder with compatability hooks in each of the seperate folders. Dirt can be compressed up to 4 times whereas Sand and Gravel can only be compressed twice.

The bulk of the base code is in the 1.10.2 folder with compatability hooks in each of the seperate folders. A mining machine that extracts resources from the ground and replaces it with dirt. Golden Lasso Golden Lasso: Captures passive mobs for convenient relocation. equivalent_to_nothing. It is designed to reduce lag, which is especially beneficial for Multi-Player servers.

It provides alternative Extra Utilities also allows players to compress Another goal of the mod is to provide more efficient methods of performing tasks that result in large amounts of lag. This page was last modified on 24 April 2020, at 18:10. There are three folders for 1.10.2, 1.11 and 1.12. Extra Utilities 2. Tekxit Wiki. Ender Generator (Extra Utilities) Ender Generator (Extra Utilities): consumes Ender Pearls as fuel. Sourcecode for Extra Utilities

Extra Utilities 2 | Tekxit Wiki | Fandom. Sourcecode for Extra Utilities

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It is the continuation of the Extra Utilities mod. Extra Utilities also allows players to compress Cobblestone, Sand, Gravel, and Dirt. Sourcecode for Extra Utilities 2.

Dies hat vor allem den Ursprung, dass Feed The Beast die Rechte der Modautoren achtet und nur Mods mit der Erlaubnis der Autoren zu ihren Modpacks hinzufügt. extraETF ist das führende Informationsmedium zum Thema Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

I develop for all three versions simultaneously. Recent Changes; Random page; Videos; Images; Discuss. Feed The Beast gibt es noch nicht so lange wie Tekkit und dennoch ist es mittlerweile beliebter als Tekkit. Register Start a Wiki. Golden Bag of Holding Golden Bag of Holding: A double-chest size worth of portable inventory. Crafting Guide gives step-by-step instructions for making anything in Minecraft or its many mods. Add new page. Hoy veremos el EXTRA UTILITIES 2 para la versión 1.12.2 de Minecraft. Wir bieten Ihnen die Tools und Informationen, damit Sie erfolgreich in ETFs investieren können. Template:Infobox/Mod Template:Tocr The Extra Utilities mod adds several random purposes utility blocks and items to the game. The

Features [] Item [] Golden Bag of Holding: A double-chest size worth of portable inventory.


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