Have a bigger fish to fry

The expression is actually an idiom which is used to say that a person is not interested in something because there are more important and interesting things out there that the person wants to do or go after.
bigger fish to fry - Examples: 1) The city's got bigger fish to fry than contributing to a region wide debate on transit building.

I’m making some major changes to the PowerPoint. Bigger Fish To Fry Meaning. The expression is "bigger fish to fry", no article (fish is plural). This phrase first appeared in writing over 400 years ago. We will deal with the toilet paper issue after we select the roommate.Amanda: Is that really necessary?John: Yes!

You have no desire to fry it because it is so small that it is almost worthless.Certainly, compared to your big fish, it isn’t worth the effort. Therefore, you thank this person for offering you his small fish, but politely tell him that you don’t need it. The font doesn’t matter. Imagine the following scenario:You are incredibly hungry, and you are preparing to fry the huge fish that you caught earlier in the day. We have bigger fish to fry!This excerpt is from an article about a new California bill.The second excerpt is about the son of a politician meeting with Russian politicians.The Contents When it comes to fixing the dysfunctional U.S. healthcare system, state Assemblyman Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg) knows there are bigger fish to fry than drug-company discount coupons. Yesterday we were all celebrating the achievement of Anthony Pompliano and Morgan Creek, who managed to onboard the first known public pension fund into a bit of crypto exposure, a great achievement no doubt. You can’t wait to devour the whole, giant fish.Then, all of a sudden someone comes up to you and offers you another fish.

Origin of the idiom. If you have other fish to fry, it doesn't matter if one opportunity fails to materialise as you have plenty of others.

It can be said that the police officer has The expression is attested from the year 1660 in the work titled Mila: Betty, will you help me change the font for this handout?Betty: We don’t have time for that! We have bigger fish to fry! IDIOM Bigger fish to fry. To Have Bigger Fish To Fry What is the meaning of the expression ‘to have bigger fish to fry’?
Several hours later, crypto investment firm Grayscale also released a … This excerpt is from an article about a new California bill. What is the meaning of the expression ‘to have bigger fish to fry’? If I don’t finish these changes, none of the presentation will make sense.Mila: It won’t take long to choose a new font.Betty: Listen, I have bigger fish to fry! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. It implies that my tasks are more important than yours. We can’t deal with the toilet paper thing now. 3) Microsoft has bigger fish to fry that the screen colors and the way that CSS places objects on a screen. However, this new fish is tiny.


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