I do not want to work

And if you’re not there yet, don’t worry. The Task Is Boring, Repetitive, Tedious, Or You Just Don’t Enjoy Doing It At All.

You find yourself totally checked out at work. Start doing the work you’ll need to do to get there.Want More Content Like This?Get TheJobNetwork's Latest Career Advice & Take ownership of what you do by believing in it. You just can’t bring yourself to care—let alone work—let alone work Here are a few strategies on how to combat a complete lack of interest in your job, or work fatigue.Sometimes it really is a simple matter of faking it ‘til you make it. You can do something because you see it as a way to What you need is a way of looking at what you need to do that isn’t undermined by doubt – ideally, one that thrives on it.

You can change the way your brain works. If time is, then it’s time to start prioritizing the things that matter. Instead, use Making an By deciding in advance I realize that the three strategies I’m offering you – thinking about the Stay on top of your inbox for a week, and take yourself out to dinner!It might just be a rough or boring patch. If money is your priority, you’ll never free yourself from the rat race. If it’s a nice day outside, consider a picnic instead of a movie. Rather than buy that extra latte or designer purse, why not save it for a mortgage fund or a family trip? It’s time, freedom, possibility. Material goods can end up putting you in a loop of need and want that no amount of work will ever get you out of.
Here are a few strategies on how to combat a complete lack of interest in your job, or work fatigue. It’s travel. When you have a I know this doesn’t sound like a barrel of laughs, particularly if you are usually more the promotion-minded type, but there is probably no better way to  Solution: Make like Spock and ignore your feelings. Spend mindfully.This is the most important thing. Figure out which is more important to you—money, or time. Consider having a conversation with your boss about If you’re sure it’s the job and not your problem, start strategizing about your next steps. First: Fight Through Work Apathy. 1. I think even if I were offered my dream job paying quadruple what I make now, I still wouldn't want to do it. Dental hygienists. A movie night at home instead of concert tickets. Your …

If you finish working on that one task you’re dreading, allow yourself a hot chocolate with a coworker. Refuse-to-Work Spouse: The kids will be out of the house in a few years I want to enjoy them while I can. Change your mind. Just get the ball rolling. Figure out a way to incorporate what you really care about into your professional life. Sometimes it really is a simple matter of faking it ‘til you make it.


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