Light a cigarette

You can tell because the filter side will often be another color and there will be cotton in that end. Then, light a match or flick a butane lighter in your non-dominant hand. Continue to puff the cigar and rotate it until the entire tip is glowing. They are wrapped more tightly than regular cigarettes and are larger, meaning you must apply some extra effort in order to fully light one. The gentleman lights the girl’s cigarette first. Smoke really makes some people ill, you know.

Position the tip of the cigar very close to the flame, but not directly on it, to toast it. While you’re holding the flame to the cigarette, inhale slowly, which will draw air through the cigarette and help light it. When you are sure the match or lighter is lit, hold the cigar in your hand. How toHow toHow toHow toFollow UsWe know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Sometimes you just absolutely need a smoke, and of course, you don't have matches or a lighter; just like Murphy's Law, it usually happens at the most inconvenient or desperate times. How toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toTo light a cigar, start by holding the cigar at a 45-degree angle with the thumb and index finger of your dominant hand. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please This guide will help you understand how to light a cigar swiftly and with ease. Whether you’re accustomed to smoking cigars or never held one before in your life, cigars can be a bit tricky to light.

Fortunately, if you have access to a battery or battery pack, you can light your cigarette without a lighter.

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Another way to hold it is to use your middle finger and index finger. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. When the tip begins to smolder, put the unlit end in your mouth and take short puffs, holding the flame just underneath the tip. Community of editors, researchers, and specialists

wikiHow's Smoking cigarettes is an unhealthy habit that over 1 billion people have.How toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toHow toTo light a cigarette, start by putting the filter end between your lips. Once the tip of your cigarette glows, extinguish the flame of your lighter or match. If he does not smoke, we hand him our lighter. Never do we talk with a cigarette in the mouth, allow it to remain lighted in a tray while eating, or do we use anything as an ashtray that was not meant to be one. Place the filter end of the cigarette into your mouth. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Then, light a lighter or match, and hold it to the tip of your cigarette for 1 or 2 seconds.

Don't inhale the smoke like you would with a cigarette, since it can make you nauseous! If you are using a match, let the head of the match completely burn out before toasting the cigar, or you may inhale a sulfur taste.


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