M24 Kar PUBG

Players can find it in random locations depending upon the spawn.

AWM is a bad choice in close engagements too. M24 is freely available around the map and deals 75 hit damage. This makes your aim more stable and in turn, it becomes easier to line up a shot.One more thing, during the last stage of the round, it’s better to switch to a 6x if you started out with an 8x. Finally, we have the deadliest sniper in PUBG Mobile, the AWM. If you are in a situation where camping is essential for kills, then Kar-98 is the best for sneaky snipes. Players can use the M24 at medium to long-range, but short-range quick hits also remains a viable option for skilled users. Kar-98 and M24 are the best snipers in PUBG Mobile. But in tight spots where the enemies are pushing from different directions, M24 is faster in taking out targets. New; 13:39. ... PUBG MOBILE - Duration: 13:39. Use whatever you are more used to. Keep checking back for more guides and tips!This website uses cookies in order to offer you the most relevant information.Welcome! Suppressor, Cheek Pad, and a Quickdraw Extended Mag are widely used attachments for the sniper. But it’s pretty rare too, as it’s only available through the air drops.Another issue is that the AWM uses Magnum rounds instead of regular 7.62mm ones, which are again, only found in air drops. Here is a comparison: For more info on guns check out this page: MOBILE GAMING STATS (@mg.stats) • Instagram photos and videos It is highly recommended to use AWM with a Suppressor, Cheek Pad, and a Quickdraw Extended Mag.The Karabiner 98 Kurz or Kar98k is the most commonly available sniper rifle in PUBG Mobile. But M24 has better bullet speed which is significant advantage especially shooting on chest because it has less bullet drop and less time to reach the target. What he's saying is that the slope changes more drastically than the Kar at far distances so you can't just raise your reticle by a consistent amount, but the M24 has less overall drop.

They are sorted alphabetically with no regard to the attachment point utilized. It supports more attachments than the Kar98, namely a sight, muzzle, magazine and stock. Ever wondered how much damage the Kar does? Suppressor and Cheek Pad are some recommended attachments for the sniper.M24 is freely available around the map and deals 75 hit damage.

share. Ruppo 487,032 views. However, the KAR-98 bullet speed is slower than M24. share. Hopefully, this guide will tell you all you need to know about the best snipers and their attachments. On the other hand Kar98 bullet is really slow and it has more drop. It supports more attachments than the Kar98, namely a sight, muzzle, magazine and stock. _____ don't forget to like share and subscribe _____ Social media: INSTAGRAM:Randhawa_OZ TIKTOK:@randhawaoz _____ Although the hit damage of the weapon is lesser than AWM, the Kar98k still does respectable amount of damage to players with level 2 helmets.Players can use Kar98 in medium to long-range fights with ways to push the enemy after hitting deadly shots with the sniper. The damage is higher, reload is faster, everything else is the same(I think).


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