Pawn it off on you

Cypress Hill. Yes, but "pawn off" is easier to pronounced than "palm off".

that you fuckers can't own, or sell, or pawn off Bitch you better walk off Or hit the cat walk Cause we sus for life and that's the plan boy. Subscribe to Grammar Underground A  “The 30 cakes that Zou had received from her employer and various clients weeks ago sat unopened and neglected under her desk as the 31-year-old marketing manager tried to pawn them off on anyone who would take them.

It seems to me that “palm off” is the better choice.Tags: Did the Times mean “palm off”?To “pawn” means “to give or deposit (personal property) as security for the payment of money borrowed.” So according to this definition, Zou was only pawing off the cakes if she was using them as collateral for loans. Quick word challengeQuiz ReviewScore: Quick word challengeQuiz ReviewScore:

in pawn Having been pawned; in hock. This is the British English definition of pawn off.View American English definition of pawn off.. Change your default dictionary to American English. He found himself in such dire straits that even his beloved pocket watch, given to him by his late grandfather, was now in pawn.

The writer might have done better to choose “palm off.” According to the  It would be natural to assume that “pawn off” is therefore a mistake. The two open ending words in a row are difficult for me to pronounce. Palm Off vs. Pawn Off . Urban Dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements you see.

A Los Angeles Times article in September reported that a popular Chinese gift called mooncakes are a lot more popular with givers than with recipients.

So I would prefer "pawn off" on that basis.At least that writer had something legit to write about.A Pearson product. This is a peculiar expression,” writes  In other words, you could argue that “pawn off” is an acceptable alternative to “palm off.” But why would you want to? 2000. punk, every way you get shook To the pawn, taking out the rook, off of the book Lights get tooken, taken you for Satan You can't breathe, no need to look. Here’s the same source on “pawn off”: “to dispose of by deception, as in 'They tried to pawn off a rebuilt computer as new.' This expression may have originated as a corruption of palm off.” That doesn’t mean it’s still a corruption, though: “pawn off.

To deliver Personal Property to another as a pledge or as security for a debt. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English pawn something ↔ off phrasal verb American English 1 informal to persuade someone to buy or accept something that you want to get rid of, especially something of low quality on Don’t let him pawn off an old bike on you – get a new one. In common usage, pawn signifies a pledge of goods, as distinguished from a pledge of intangible personal property, such as a contract right. For more hardcore pawn videos be sure to subscribe to the channel.

to get rent of something by selling it. Pawn off definition: → palm off (see phrase under → palm 2 ) | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


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