Suhr Classic Pro SSH

Great deals on Suhr Classic. We are always on a never-ending quest of tone, improving how we understand our instruments and giving our customers the choices they want.

Personally, I would never get another SSH Suhr. Suhr Classic T-Chambered Fireburst TL Type Electric Guitar, g9669. Very little play wear. In a rare 2-tone sunburst. SPEAKER CABINETS1x122x12The 2018 Classic S features a new 60’s C vintage standard neck profile with indian rosewood or maple fingerboard and V60LP single coils. Slim d-shaped neck in a satin finish. The SSV+ is like a great vintage humbucker with an attitude. ... Used Suhr Regular Import Pro Series Classic Antique Ssh 3-Tone Burst *Wcu760. Slim d-shaped neck in a satin finish.

The SS, or single screw, series of pickups feature the classic, authentic combination of a single row of adjustable screw pole pieces, ... SSH BRIDGE . I play about the same music as the OP, and really thought the HSS would be best for me. You cannot go wrong with a Suhr, as long as you get one with specs suited to your preference. The Classic S Antique retains many of the original specifications of the Classic Antique including the SSCII hum cancelling system, nitrocellulose finish, and stainless steel frets. Message me before ordering to inquire about shippingOverview Nearly flawless Classic S Pro from 2008. NOTE: The Suhr Classic S guitar is absolutely the same guitar as the Classic Pro, but with a slightly different neck carve.
And the Pro-Series are of the same build quality as the custom guitars. $6,500.00. Hey! And the split humbucker really lost something in position 2. The Classic S retains many of the original specifications of the Classic Pro including the SSCII hum cancelling system and stainless steel frets. Build and featuresFamously good build quality by Suhr. Build and featuresFamously good build quality by Suhr. For optimum tone and stability, the neck joint must not be too tight or too loose, therefore all of our neck pockets are precisely fitted by hand, by expert craftsmen.This is the standard vintage shape that many of us grew up with and has the addition of a contoured heel where the neck bolts on for easy access to all the frets.Body FeaturesAlder is one of the most popular guitar body woods of the 1960’s and is favored by blues and rock players for its strong, clear, full-bodied sound, with beefy mids and excellent lows.Our finishing process provides an unparalleled combination of protection, beauty, and tone. The neck sports a gorgeous Roasted Flame Maple back with an Indian Rosewood fingerboard. Our most popular humbuckers. Find your nearest authorized Suhr dealer.Interested in building a custom version of this guitar?We are always here to help!

The new carve is called the 60's C Vintage Standard. 2018 also marks the introduction of Vintage Yellow, a new finish option for the Classic S Antique. A true high output humbucker, the SSH+ covers a broad musical base with musicality, punch, authority, and tone. New options available and John Suhr’s ideas behind them. Tried to capture the few blemishes as best as I could.
Suhr Classic Pro T 24 Fret Aged Cherry #6M4P Aged Cherry Burst, flame maple top, african mahogany body, rosewood fingerboard, SSV neck / SSH Plus bridge pickups, incl. Feel free to contact us with any questions, and we will do our best to help.Suhr Guitars | ©2016 JS Technologies, INC. The Classic Pro marries vintage design with modern improvements resulting in an instrument that is capable of producing iconic tones while retaining the build quality, features and playability you’ve come to expect from Suhr.The Classic Pro features a Maple neck with your choice of Maple or Indian Rosewood fingerboard.


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