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UPS My Choice® für Unternehmen bietet Ihnen größere Transparenz Ihrer Sendungen, so dass Sie Ihr Kleinunternehmen besser managen können. 2020 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. 2. This comment has been rated as unhelpful by Slickdeals users Show Post. Servizi di qualità che vanno oltre la spedizione e ricerca per aiutarti ad espandere la tua attività.Imagine the benefits of having a full view of all your outbound shipments at a glance. You can proactively monitor your shipments, answer customer enquiries with a single click and keep your business running smoothly. Funny. Create a Shipment: Package & Freight; Calculate Time & Cost; Schedule a Parcel Collection; Manage Online Orders: Marketplace Shipping; Create a … UPS My Choice is expanding to 96 countries and territories, just in time for the approaching holiday shipping season.

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