Who hypertension by country

For others, these changes are insufficient and they need prescription medication to control blood pressure.Most people with hypertension have no symptoms at all; this is why it is known as the “silent killer”. The pressure in the blood vessels can cause blood to leak out into the brain and cause a stroke. Why is hypertension an important issue in low- and middle-income countries? One in three adults worldwide has hypertension. Raised blood pressure affects 1.13 billion people worldwide.

Uncontrolled hypertension can also cause blindness, irregular heartbeat and heart failure.The ultimate goal of the World Health Day 2013 campaign is to reduce heart attacks and strokes. Prevalance of Hypertension: 50 million Americans (NHLBI); 217 per 1000 (NHIS95) Prevalance Rate for Hypertension: approx 1 in 5 or 18.38% or 50 million people in USA [] Extrapolation of Prevalence Rate of Hypertension to Countries and Regions: The following table attempts to extrapolate the above prevalence rate for Hypertension to the populations of various countries and regions. In some developed countries, the prevention and treatment of hypertension, together with other cardiovascular risk factors, have brought about a reduction in deaths from heart disease. Blood vessels may develop bulges (aneurysms) and weak spots that make them more likely to clog and burst. Severe hypertension can cause fatigue, nausea, vomiting, confusion, anxiety, chest pain, and muscle tremors.Hypertension is called a "silent killer". This increase is due mainly to a rise in hypertension risk factors in those populations.When symptoms do occur, they can include early morning headaches, nosebleeds, irregular heart rhythms, vision changes, and buzzing in the ears. Hypertension - or elevated blood pressure - is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and blindness. Approximately 75% of people with hypertension (1.04 billion) live in low- and middle-income countries. For this reason, it is essential that blood pressure is measured regularly.In 2016, WHO and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched the Global Hearts Initiative to support governments to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases.The prevalence of hypertension varies across the WHO regions and country income groups. Hypertension increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. Hypertension (HTN or HT), also known as high blood pressure (HBP), is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Sometimes hypertension causes symptoms such as headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, palpitations of the heart and nose bleeds, but not always.

Source: https://wonder.cdc.gov States are categorized from highest rate to lowest rate. For this reason, it is essential that blood pressure is measured regularly.The only way to detect hypertension is to have a health professional measure blood pressure. Although adjusted for differences in age-distribution and population size, rankings by state do not take into account other state specific population characteristics that may affect the level of mortality. Statistics of hypertension in the United States show that among adults who are 20 and older 34.3 percent of men and 31.1 percent of women of non-Hispanic whites have high blood pressure. Of the estimated 1.13 billion people who have hypertension, fewer than 1 … Incidence (annual) of Primary pulmonary hypertension: 300 new cases annually (NHLBI) …
Hypertension is the most important preventable cause of heart disease and stroke worldwide. The WHO African Region has the highest prevalence of hypertension (27%) while the WHO Region of the Americas has the lowest prevalence of hypertension (18%). In the WHO African region, more than 30% of adults in many countries are estimated to have high blood pressure and this proportion is increasing. Hypertension (raised blood pressure): WHO health topic page on hypertension provides links to descriptions of activities, reports, publications, statistics, news, multimedia and events, as well as contacts and cooperating partners in the various WHO programmes and offices working on this topic. 43 percent of men and 44.8 percent of women amongst non-Hispanic blacks have high blood pressure.


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