Funny Moments Anime

During a flight with all of them gathered, they crash into another world. That Rikka is the one who has found out about his past, and not anyone else, is what makes this scene hilarious.The fact that Yuuta wants to find out desperately where she found out about it is what makes this scene so funny. The ridiculousness of the whole situation and the fact that they will never find out about his identity is what makes this scene the most hilarious one ever. It just makes the owner even angrier and they are forced to carry the coffin with broken limbs. The ludicrosity of this scene is what makes it one of the most comedic moments in anime, as one would not expect that level of stupidity from the two characters. The reason he always wears a mask is unknown, but not even the people closest to him have ever seen his face. As the tests continue, the others create distractions that are also of no use, which again forces the activation of the jet pack. your username. This scene from the Nisekoi OVA is during the New Year festival at a shrine where the characters are working. Funny Moments In Cricket. Only to find out that she was only going to say “…dinner to be ready”. Got Talent Global Recommended for you
So without further ado, let’s begin the countdown! Anime has always been a big part of my life and is something that I hold dear to my heart. Skip to content. another mask. Her menacing question to if they'll force Ruri-nee to drink said pee leads to them saying no way.This hero takes the cake for hilarious moments. WhynotAnime 197,139 views. One that has resulted in his moving to another school in another city to rid himself of the stigma, Dark Flame Master. Every since a young age, I have been watching various different styles of anime.

It is a moment that will be remembered in history for many years to come. Raku becomes possessed by spirits that give him bad luck for the whole day, and it is up to the girls to save him. Black Star won’t allow anyone to outshine him, so he challenges Death the Kid to a fight. This hilarious moment is within episode 101 where Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura become really curious about Kakashi and decide to unveil his mask to see what he is hiding underneath. Not an episode goes by that protagonist Seiya doesn't exert extreme caution, which goes overboard to the point of hilarity. Nearing the top of this list comes Gintama, at episode 231 during the funeral, when they discover that the restaurant owner’s ghost rises out of the coffin and begins to curse people for disrespecting his funeral. Whilst Shiro turns into a helpless and lifeless ghost, who can’t function without her brother.
Log into your account. 2011 - Mar. As the days pass, it's not Seiya that's being trained, its Cerceus. Whether it's a display of situational irony, promiscuous insinuations, lurid moments, outrageous ideals, or fulfilling a dare, see how the anime of fall 2019 ranked in terms of funniest moments.Although this anime focuses on basketball, it also features extreme hilarity. So without further ado, let’s begin the countdown! @khornimeWhat should I say my leg hurts oh I mean my stomachEvery boys dream is to be partnered by a girl in a three legged race.0.02 ผีเสือปีกหัก One hilarious situation occurs when Yuiga gifts Furuhashi with a bra for her birthday.

Gintama’ Episodes: 51. There are many short funny moments within the series in relation to Yuuta and also Nibutani’s reactions after the embarrassment is revealed, which makes this anime one of the funniest short comedy-moment-filled shows out there. You may even give your abs a good workout with all the laughing that is sure to ensue.Even in the most horrifying of anime, there shines a moment of comedic relief.

Aired: Apr. They end up chasing him through the shrine until he runs into the bell striker…. It doesn't bother Shinra one bit since he's able to work out the logic behind the sayings, but Arthur is a different story as he readies himself to attack.Falling in love is one thing, confessing to said person of affection is quite another. Follow Us Have you ever laughed so hard at an anime moment that it made you gasp desperately for air while literally rolling on the floor laughing? Funniest anime I've ever seen. They begin searching for a way to return home, but during the process, One of the seven is a Shinobu - a ninja- journalist that uses her abilities to get the scoop on the latest scandals. The fact that this scene is in slow motion makes it that extra bit funnier as it even gives time for Saitama to apologize, knowing that it was already too late.With just a touch, Sonic is defeated and is forced to retreat after sustaining immense injuries from a one sided battle in which he cannot even come close to hurting Saitama.


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