GLX 160 grenade launcher

The ARX-160 is a modular assault rifle manufactured by Pietro Beretta S.p.A..Developed for the Italian armed forces as part of the Soldato Futuro (Future Soldier in English) program, the ARX-160 was launched in 2008 as a commercial weapon system independent from the Soldato Futuro ensemble, complete with a companion single-shot 40mm NATO low-velocity grenade launcher, called GLX-160, … Click on the thumbnails to enlarge the images or return to the article.NOTE: Where applicable, the appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), Russian Ministry of Defense, Chinese Ministry of Defense or British Ministry of Defence visual information does not imply or constitute endorsement. Over the last 50 years of combat operations, grenade launchers have evolved from a specialty weapon into an integral part of every small team’s combat power. Beretta ARX-160 with GLX-160 grenade launcher - 5.56x45mm / 40x46mm. The ultimate evolution of the single shot 40mm grenade launcher, the Beretta GLX 40mm Grenade Launcher is lightweight, modular, capable of being deployed as an integrated part of the Assault Rifle system or as a stand alone weapon, and designed to maximize efficiency by taking full advantage of body mechanics for weapon manipulation. 100-round C-Mag drum magazine Description The The ARX-160 departs from the previously issued Designed for the civilian market, especially within the United States, is a semi-automatic variant labeled the ARX-100. As of late 2010 the AR70/90 is supplemented in service by the new Beretta ARX-160, a new project which has several major developments in sighting and firepower such as the integrated (and also detachable) grenade launcher GLX-160, and the "Future Soldier Program" integration. Notes: The GLX-160 is an underbarrel grenade launcher designed for use with the new ARX-160 assault rifle and is also part of the Soldato Futuro program, a large small arms modernization program currently being conducted by the Italian Army. Retaining the ARX-160's operational features, with the exception that the safety rotates 90 degrees into the Fire position.Developed for the Italian armed forces as part of the The Beretta ARX-160 was a Phase II contender in the In February 2013, the The The ultimate evolution of the single shot 40mm grenade launcher, the Beretta GLX 40mm Grenade Launcher is lightweight, modular, capable of being deployed as an integrated part of the Assault Rifle system or as a stand alone weapon, and designed to maximize efficiency by taking full advantage of body mechanics for weapon manipulation. Beretta GLX-160. Beretta GLX-160 grenade launcher - 40x46mm. Sign up to the BDT email newsletter for up-to-date information on new products and combinations.Contact us with your questions regarding specifications and product combinations.© Copyright Beretta Defense Technologies.All rights reserved. Beretta GLX-160 Italy: Grenade launcher: 200 delivered in 2007; 2,100 delivered in 2009; 150 delivered in 2011; at least 2,726 delivered in 2012; Spectre M4 Italy: 9x19mm Submachine gun: Used by Special Forces. Specifications (2008 - Present) Type: Grenade Launcher (Stand-Alone or UBGL) Calibers: 40x46mm Weight: less than 2.2 lbs (1 kg) Length: 14.3 in (36.4 cm) Barrel length: 11 in (28 cm)


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