King Arms SVD

This SVD Sniper Rifle is an electric operated rifle and it is equipped with real wood handguard and stock. View. This SVD Sniper Ultra Grade Rifle is an electric operated rifle. King Arms Full Metal AK SVD Airsoft AEG Electric Sniper Rifle Modeled after the world-famous SVD like the Real Sword, the King Arms SVD is a full metal receiver Airsoft Electric powered (metal gearbox) high performance AEG sniper rifle that will own the battle field. It can fit both KA Kalashnikov AEG and Air Cocking rifles. This is a CO2 operating SVD sniper rifle. The quick spring changing designed gearbox helps the users to replacing the spring and adjusting the shooting power in seconds. Firing mode can be change with SEMI/AUTO by switching the semi/auto button near the trigger area. This rifle is having a glossy surface finishing similar to the real steel. There is a build-in side rail on the left side of the receiver for installing magnification scope. Zinc Alloy and ABS are used as main materials in order to reduce the weight of rifle. Zinc Alloy and Nylon Fiber were used as main material in order to reduce the weight of the gun. BACK TO CATALOG PAGE : Copy right 2020 KING ARMS All rights reserved Package comes with a 50 rounds steel magazine and a detachable cheek pad. KA-AG-64 There is a pair of build-in adjustable back-up iron sights on the rifle この商品を購入した、Amazonコミュニティーのメンバーである出品者、メーカー、またはカスタマーが質問にお答えします。

This item is currently King Arms was founded in 2004 with the mission to ensure optimum customer satisfaction by providing precision products and outstanding service. This SVD Sniper Rifle is a spring action operated rifle and it is equipped with real wood handguard and stock. KA-SCOPE-22

50 Rounds Magazine for King Arms Kalashnikov Sniper Rifle Series.

Firing mode can be change with SEMI/AUTO by switching the semi/auto button near the trigger area.

This SVD Sniper Rifle is a spring action operated rifle and it is equipped with real wood handguard and stock.

The quick spring changing designed gearbox helps the users to replacing the spring and adjusting the shooting power in seconds. There is a build-in side rail on the left side of the receiver for installing magnification scope.

There is a build-in side rail on the left side of the receiver for installing magnification scope.

The re-designed quick detach spring guide system makes the reloading of CO2 cartridge easily accessible. M4 Striker M-LOK CQB Ultra Grade II - Gun metal Grey. pusca airsoft pentru lunetist dragunov svd full metal de la king arms, replica dupa sniperul rusesc. Package comes with one 50 rounds steel casing magazine and a detachable cheek pad. KA-AG-153-WO

KA-AG-98-WO KA-AG-91-WO The rifle is having a glossy surface finishing similar to the real steel and a special designed piston head is used in the cylinder to reduce the noise and vibration when firing. 現時点ではこのメニューの読み込みに問題があります。 There is a pair of build-in adjustable back-up iron sights on the rifle The quick spring changing designed gearbox helps the users to replacing the spring and adjusting the shooting power in seconds. Wooden handguard and stock with beautiful finishing.Suitable for King Arms SVD. KA-SK-38

Package comes with a 200 rounds steel magazine and a detachable cheek pad. KA-AG-154-WO King Arms SVD用 50連マガジン KA-MAG-55 5つ星のうち 5.0 3 ¥2,180. There is a build-in side rail on the left side of the receiver for installing magnification scope. KA-MAG-54 Wooden handguard and stock with beautiful finishing.Suitable for Atoz and A&K air-cocking SVD. This SVD Sniper Rifle is a spring action operated rifle and it is equipped with real wood handguard and stock. This SVD Sniper Ultra Grade Rifle is an electric operated rifle. Details can be found on the This item is currently King Arms has done a great job bringing the hard hitting power and incredible accuracy of the Kalashnikov Dragunov SVD sniper rifle to the airsoft world with the King Arms Full Metal Kalashnikov SVD Spring Sniper Rifle Airsoft Gun.

Package comes with a 200 rounds steel magazine and a detachable cheek pad.


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