(Disc 1).bin CRC = 1917CC55 (Disc 2).bin CRC = 217A8FBD (Disc 3).bin CRC = 9D23A98A (The Making of).bin CRC = C3B91F0E Eternal Blue expanded the story and gameplay of its predecessor, and made more use of the Sega CD's hardware, including more detailed graphics, longer, more elaborate animated cutscenes, and more extensive use of voice acting. With Hikaru Midorikawa, Chisa Yokoyama, Kumiko Nishihara, Aya Hisakawa. There they meet the beautiful Lucia, who asks to be taken to see the goddess Althena in order to avert the destruction of Lunar. I can simply say one thing about this game: Amazing! At the pinnacle of the battle, the group learns that the true Althena gave up her godhood after falling in love with a human. Mega-CD Longplay 126 Lunar II Eternal Blue (part 1 of 8)Mega-CD Longplay 126 Lunar II Eternal Blue (part 2 of 8)Mega-CD Longplay 126 Lunar II Eternal Blue (part 3 of 8)Mega-CD Longplay 126 Lunar II Eternal Blue (part 4 of 8)Mega-CD Longplay 126 Lunar II Eternal Blue (part 5 of 8)Mega-CD Longplay 126 Lunar II Eternal Blue (part 6 of 8)Mega-CD Longplay 126 Lunar II Eternal Blue (part 7 of 8)Mega-CD Longplay 126 Lunar II Eternal Blue (part 8 of 8) Title: Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete is a RPG video game published by Working Designs released on December 15, 2000 for the Sony PlayStation. It's funny how I got the game, my dad and I were in Toys R us and we saw it there, then last summer my friend got it and we were playing it.

For Lunar 2: Eternal Blue on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 40 guides and walkthroughs. The group determines to thwart Ghaleon, the self-proclaimed Dragonmaster who is supporting the false Althena, by returning the power he took from the four dragons. Lucia uses the last of her magic to teleport Hiro and the others to safety. Lunar - Eternal Blue (U).zip: Console/System: Sega CD: Genre: Role-Playing: Filesize: unknown: Region: USA: Year of release: 1995: Downloads: 129: DOWNLOAD Lunar - Eternal Blue (U) ROM (Download Manager) DOWNLOAD Lunar - Eternal Blue (U) ROM (Direct) PLAY Lunar - Eternal Blue (U) ONLINE. The game was remade in 1998 as Set one thousand years after the events of The Silver Star, the game follows the adventure of Hiro, a young explorer and adventurer who meets Lucia, visitor from the far-away Blue Star, becoming entangled in her mission to stop Zophar, an evil, all-powerful being, from destroying the world.

… Important!! Having fallen in love with Lucia, Hiro is heartbroken by her departure. During his journey across the world of Lunar, Hiro and Lucia are joined by an ever-expanding cast of supporting characters, including some from its predecessor. Lunar: Eternal Blue section! The revived dragons, including Ruby, attack the false Althena's stronghold, where she is transformed into a demonic monster that the group defeat. The group trains to fight Zophar. As they travel, Lemina, Ronfar, Jean, and Leo each confront one of Althena's strongest heroes, redeeming their past lives that they have been running away from. As a part of Lunar series, this Lunar 2: Eternal Blue game is set to be the sequel of Lunar: The Silver Star. Thanks to forum member Maou/Temzin, we have an update to the extensive interviews with the various creators behind Lunar in the Lunar I+II artbook. Lucia returns to her home on the Blue Star, hoping that she can one day entrust the Blue Star to humans based on what she witnessed on Lunar. Lunar: EB is the sequel to TSS, released in 1994 in Japan and 1995 in the United States.EB eventually spawned a few books and remakes as well.. Lunar: Eternal Blue takes us back to the world of Lunar, where a thousand years have passed since Dragonmaster Alex and his friends defeated the Magic Emperor and saved the world. The group work together and defeat Zophar using their human strengths, thus freeing Lucia and restoring peace. Zophar, an evil disembodied spirit, appears and drains Lucia of all her magic powers. Joined along the way by Lemina, the group travel across mountains and forests to reach Pentagulia, Althena's holy city. Removing it sets off a trap and they flee as the temple collapses and monsters chase them. It is a box set of 3 game CDs and one behind the scenes, a music CD, Lucia's pendant, and an omake box with a small map and standies.

The plot of On Lunar, Hiro and Ruby are exploring an ancient ruin where they collect a large gem, The Dragon's Eye. 02.11.2019: Lunar I+II Interviews Update First update of 2019! See our


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